help to better help you:

Please: add always Joomla / JEM version and details to your posts, so we can try to reproduce your issue!

A new home for the forum

A new home for the forum

12 years 3 weeks ago - 12 years 3 weeks ago
Hello All,

It may has come as a surprise for you all, but the Eventlist forum has moved to a new location. Here's some explanation why we did it.

Why did we move the forum?
Over the last two years the original Eventlist forum at has been down. Fortunately there was a new location at JLV-solutions, where the software lived on as a community-supported component.

Even a new Joomla 2.5 version has been developed by the community. Alas, this version never made it to the Joomla Extension Directory (JED) because only the original developer has access to the listing of the component on the JED.

So we saw the community slowly loosing interest. There was a need for a place on the net under a dedicated domain to bring developers, supporters and users together again. Also, the only way for the community to grow is when Joomla users can find the component on the JED.
That was the reason why we decided to fork the project. To do so, we could have easily set up a new domain and a new project. But then off course we would loose all current knowledge. Also, the current community would loose the developers that would hook up with the possible fork. So actually we are now able to do two things at the same time: Go to a new project and keep serving the (large) Eventlist community with a support forum. And hopefully soon with a new component that allows an upgrade from Eventlist.

Why a new name?
Our great preference would have been to bring the Eventlist forum back to it's original place on the net, at However, over the last few months it has proven to be impossible to get that done. Believe us.. we tried hard!

So, what's next?
Next important step is to get permission of the people at OpenSourceMatters to use the name as proposed (JEM as the product name, in full: Joomla Event Manager), and as the domain name. Some of you may know there are strict rules when it comes to using the Joomla name. The request to do this has already been sent.... fingers crossed now!

When the permission is granted the first Joomla 2.5 version will have to be released under the new name and listed on the JED. Meanwhile we hope to attract more members to the community.
All is done in the conviction that this software is still the best non-commercial Event Management component for Joomla. It would be a waste to see it fall by the wayside.

The second important step is to safekeep the community for the future. The past has proven that it's too risky for a code project to completely rely on just one person. So as soon as the people at OpenSourceMatters have given theid permission to the product name and domain name, a simple association will be set up that holds the domain name and controls the listing on the JED. More info on this will follow as soons as the product name is secure.
By the way, the association will have no influence on the software product; that is a matter of the community.

Can I help?
Oh yes! There is so much to do when it comes to running a community. Think of web-developers, forum moderators, php-developers, beta testers, translators and documentation editors. If you feel you can contribute in any way, please let us know!

But most of all we are very curious how you all feel about the project and the move to a new home.


Last edit: 12 years 3 weeks ago by ernst67.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jojo12, Bluefox

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Re: A new home for the forum

12 years 3 weeks ago - 12 years 3 weeks ago
Maybe it was just a coincidence, but just as this new site here was down 2 days ago because of the forum migration, I came here after an one hour search beginning at JED, continuing at, continuing juliens page. And at first I thought: Oh no, just another dead eventlist page :ohmy:

But then I visited back one day later and the page seems alive :woohoo:

ernst67 wrote: Why did we move the forum?
Even a new Joomla 2.5 version has been developed by the community. Alas, this version never made it to the Joomla Extension Directory (JED) because only the original developer has access to the listing of the component on the JED.
Does that mean the original developer ist not contactable or not willing to hand over the project? Just curious ...

ernst67 wrote: So actually we are now able to do two things at the same time: Go to a new project and keep serving the (large) Eventlist community with a support forum. And hopefully soon with a new component that allows an upgrade from Eventlist.
Seems like a reasonable decision!

ernst67 wrote: So, what's next?
Next important step is to get permission of the people at OpenSourceMatters to use the name as proposed (JEM as the product name, in full: Joomla Event Manager), and as the domain name. Some of you may know there are strict rules when it comes to using the Joomla name. The request to do this has already been sent.... fingers crossed now!
Why did you choose the name when you don't know whether it will be accepted? If they don't like it, you have to get another name, domain, etc. And there will be even more confusion. :huh: And I just found out there is already an extension named "Event Manager" ...

ernst67 wrote: All is done in the conviction that this software is still the best non-commercial Event Management component for Joomla. It would be a waste to see it fall by the wayside.
True, true :)

ernst67 wrote: Can I help?
Oh yes! There is so much to do when it comes to running a community. Think of web-developers, forum moderators, php-developers, beta testers, translators and documentation editors. If you feel you can contribute in any way, please let us know!
This is a point where I want to add some thoughts.

As a web developer, I regularly checked for eventlist updates. And to get information is just a PITA right now. As I wrote above, you need an hour to even find some information because so many pages are down, offline or are outdated. I think many people just give up searching. A comment at JED pointing here would be a good solution.

Although it's very good the new page here exists, I basically don't get any new information. I would love to see page (or a pinned thread in the forum) where all the important facts are listed. I think this is the most important step right now. A wiki would be even better, by the way.

Important facts for me and hopefully others (feel free to add some more):
  • Link to the old eventlist versions 1.1.x, 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 with a proper description when to use which version. It's a crazy version chaos right now.
  • Links to the addons, maybe?
  • A link to the current repository. I found an (outdated?) git repository, there seems to exist svn repository too somewhere.
  • Is there a bug tracker? Please add a link
  • A roadmap with the next steps
Repository: Github // Issues: Github // Languages: Transifex
Last edit: 12 years 3 weeks ago by diesl.

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Re: A new home for the forum

12 years 3 weeks ago - 12 years 3 weeks ago
Hi there Diesl,

Thanks a lot for your reply and your insights. I have to say I'm very happy with the stuff you wrote, because it's hitting the nail right on the head.
Let me answer your most important points:
Does that mean the original developer ist not contactable or not willing to hand over the project? Just curious ...
Oh, well, this is a long story. The original developer of Eventlist is Christoph Lukes. Last November, before we decided to fork the project I gave it a 'last shot' to contact him. Much to my surprise he responded and agreed we should bring the forum back to and go for the community model. I even did lots of preparations for that and Christoph gave me backend access to
For some unexpected reason all communication with him stopped after a few mails. No idea why this is, and I'm even worried something serious is wrong. But so be it. I waited for 2 months to change the plan. If ever he reports back I'm more than willing to transfer the forum back to Schlu. Eventlist is his intellectual property.
Why did you choose the name when you don't know whether it will be accepted? If they don't like it, you have to get another name, domain, etc. And there will be even more confusion. :huh: And I just found out there is already an extension named "Event Manager" ...
The aim of this new site is to safekeep the forum and make it possible to transfer again if needed. We are fairly confident the domain name can be kept (like but we may have to change the product name. I still think JEM is very acceptable. But let's just see what OpenSourceMatters come with. And yes, we have to (and will) change again if the name is not accepted. The listing on the JED is holy. Without that this extension can't survive on the long term. Most members here agree on that.
I think many people just give up searching. A comment at JED pointing here would be a good solution.
Very true, but alas impossible. The only person in the world that has access to the Eventlist listing on the JED is Christoph. And we can't expect anything there alas.
For that reason the domain name of this site will be carried over to an association that will be formed as soon as we have agreement by OpenSourceMatters on the name.
By the way, is pointing here (I still have backend access)

For the rest of your remarks:
- a page where all the important facts are listed,
- a wiki
- a link to the old eventlist versions 1.1.x, 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 with a proper description when to use which version.
- links to the addons, maybe?
- a link to the current repository.
- a bug tracker? Please add a link
- a roadmap with the next steps
I can only say Yes Yes Yes!
They are all the next important steps. Time is our biggest enemy at the moment ;-)

In a few days we will send an email to all forum subscribers to let them know about this move. Main priority now is some security/spam issues and a few template things.

If you feel you could assist in any way...: please let us know!

Last edit: 12 years 3 weeks ago by ernst67.

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Re: A new home for the forum

12 years 3 weeks ago
ernst67 wrote: Much to my surprise he responded and agreed we should bring the forum back to and go for the community model. I even did lots of preparations for that and Christoph gave me backend access to
For some unexpected reason all communication with him stopped after a few mails. No idea why this is, and I'm even worried something serious is wrong. But so be it. I waited for 2 months to change the plan. If ever he reports back I'm more than willing to transfer the forum back to Schlu. Eventlist is his intellectual property.
Too bad ... but you can't wait forever. At some point there has to be a cut!

The listing on the JED is holy. Without that this extension can't survive on the long term. Most members here agree on that.
Me too. I just don't know about the name, especially because there is another extension with the exact same name, if the "joomla" is omitted.

I think many people just give up searching. A comment at JED pointing here would be a good solution.
Very true, but alas impossible. The only person in the world that has access to the Eventlist listing on the JED is Christoph. And we can't expect anything there alas.
No, I meant a comment in the original meaning. :) As you wrote, a change of the extension's description would be better but is likely impossible to happen.

By the way, is pointing here (I still have backend access)
Seems like I have missed the link ;)

For the rest of your remarks:
I can only say Yes Yes Yes!
They are all the next important steps. Time is our biggest enemy at the moment ;-)
Good to hear :) So I will check back regularly ;)

If you feel you could assist in any way...: please let us know!
Let's see what there is to do, maybe I can take some time to help!
Repository: Github // Issues: Github // Languages: Transifex

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Re: A new home for the forum

12 years 3 weeks ago - 12 years 3 weeks ago
Hi Diesl,.

Thx for the ideas & suggestions.

Just some quick notes:
a link to the old eventlist versions 1.1.x, 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 with a proper description when to use which version.

That can be done quickly, perhaps by using a pinned topic. It would be nice to have a download section on this website in the future. Till that time it can be located somewhere else. Will take a look at it tomorrow.

a link to the current repository

At the moment there is no repository for this project, there are repository's around for eventlist. But it would have been nice if the creators/maintainers would be active. So there probably has to be created a new one. Probably something at Github?.

a bug tracker? Please add a link

There is a tracker for Eventlist, but it is an old one and outdated.
So there has to be a new one.
a roadmap with the next steps

I guess that would be one of the main things to think about.

There are a lot of things to do. Perhaps we can gradually update/change the Eventlist v1.02 stable version (for Joomla 2.5) with new changes in the future and give it a clear version number. With detailed steps of changes that have been done. But the repository thing + bugtracker should be fixed first.

Last edit: 12 years 3 weeks ago by Bluefox.

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Re: A new home for the forum

12 years 3 weeks ago
Bluefox wrote: At the moment there is no repository for this project, there are repository's around for eventlist.
I found one at gitorious , but is this an "official" repo? The question is, has there been any development since the release of v1.0.2? I lost track. Hopefully someone has more insight :)

So there probably has to be created a new one. Probably something at Github?.
I would suggest git, probably github would be the best service. Github already has a wiki and an issue tracker integrated. However, I don't know whether it's preferrable to use these tools or "own" tools because I did not yet use github very much. But I know it's not a good feeling when you realize you are locked in with second class tools ;)

There are a lot of things to do. Perhaps we can gradually update/change the Eventlist v1.02 stable version (for Joomla 2.5) with new changes in the future and give it a clear version number. With detailed steps of changes that have been done. But the repository thing + bugtracker should be fixed first.
Oh yes, a clear versioning scheme would be nice. And it is so easy to implement :D

I think when all tools are set up and the code is in the repository, a big step has been made. Then with a clear roadmap, it won't be a problem to get more things done than in the last couple of years ;)
Repository: Github // Issues: Github // Languages: Transifex

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