JEM 4.3.1 (2024-11-16)
- Fix for missing fontawesome icons in Joomla 4 (#1848)
- Fix for user defined fields can't be changed in event series (#1853)
- Fix for DB warning (#1856)
- Improve HTML/CSS Code according to W3 validation (#1844)
- Various minor fixes and improvements (#1842, #1846, #1832)
- Add feature for event registration deadline (#1629)
- Add structured Data / Microdata (#1334)
JEM 4.3.0 (2024-10-20)
- Fix for errror in tooltips of the module calendar (#1759)
- Fix for quickicon plugin (#1766) – Plugin completely rewritten for J5
- Fix for error when FE adding attending user (#1804)
- Fix for error on long domain names endings (#1806)
- Fix for table not created during migration to JEM 4 and restore the JEM schema (#1816)
- Fix for error in print popup in simplelist view (#1825)
- Fix for SmartSearch/Finder/Search Index Plugin (#1605)
- Improve native Joomla 5.1 compatibility
- Improve dark mode in JEM backend (#1758)
- Improve sample data, incl installation button in post install text (#1756) – wider date range, recurring events, different reg. modes
- Improve recurrence events (#1762, #1764) – Create all events, add repeat event by year and 5th weekday
- Improve en-GB language (#1755, #1807) – removed all en-US expessions and made it real british, in addition we created a new en-US language package
- Improve language file linking (#1808) – rewritten all languags file linking according to Joomla standard, removed the language prefix in standard language en-GB
- Improve the event list view in the backend (#1775)
- Improve search filter views (#1797, #1818)
- various minor improvements (#1742, #1773, #1829 etc.)
- Add user registration for recurrence event (#1764, #1613) – User booked in all events of series
- Add option to show rows with month name in the eventslist view (#1744)
- Add css classes with uniques IDs to evnets/venues/categories (#1754, #1601)
- Add in teaser module: calendar page color according to category color and fallback color (#1822)
JEM 4.2.2 (2024-05-09)
- Fix for removed formatting when saving event description
- Improve native Joomla 5.1 compatibility
- Add option to show the archived events in the calendar views
JEM 4.2.1 (2024-04-26)
- Fix for icons in Joomla! 4 – Icons are back in J!4
- Fix for saving error in CSS-Manager
- Fix Publish, Unpublish, Trash icon in Myevents, Myvenues
- Fix for URL for venue website
- Fix Hide eventregistration in event detail
- Add places in CB plugins
- Add Date format settings for backend
- Add Joomla 5.1 compatibility
- Add setting for sort order in simplelist – order by Date, Title, Venue, City, State or Category
- Update event.xml
JEM 4.2.0 (2023-11-03)
- Add: Joomla 5 support – Some issues with Joomla 5 are fixed.
- Enhanced: attendee management
- Enhanced: interface issues – landscape views in calendar, added missing ical buttons etc
- Fixed: several minor bug fixes
JEM 4.1.0 (2023-09-04)
- Fix: Many bug fixes
- Repaired: possibility to say NO to attend (answer request) – the book ticket has now back the possibility to directly say NO
- Repaired/Enhanced Lightbox – Add lightbox possibiliy to all images
- Repaired: a user can't attend with 0 place (ghost) – Minimum booked place is 1 place
- Repaired: cancel attendance until n hour before event – Settings in edit event
- Enhanced: request answer, if a user can't attend – you can choose an other comportment, if you need an answer
- Enhanced: Active Help on page leads to – There you can find more help
- Enhanced: Lightbox in modules – Add lightbox possibiliy for modules
- Enhanced: Many Interface/design enhancements
- Add: missing translations – add language strings, where not yet set
- Add: JEM quickicon – Add the possibility for a JEM quickicon to the Joomla dashboard
- Add: Toggle inlinehelp – Joomla 4 has no tooltips anymore, with click on "Toggle Inline Help" you now can add the help lines
- Add: event specific CSS class – Add event specific CSS class in component and modules for individual styling
- bigger and better images in details view
JEM 4.0.0 - PHP 8 - Compatible Release for Joomla 4.x. (2023-07-04) –
- rewrite of the code to make it PHP 8 / Joomla 4 + compatible
- add OpenStreetMap to Map Services – In Global Parameters and in Venue Settings (Event Page) there is now the possibility to choose to display a OpenStreetMap or link to it (beside Google maps)
- Add a booking system with more places – Choose in backend or frontend settings
- Add a simple venueslist
- Add ical button to the top
- Add (improved) country flags – Choose in module settings
- Add featured events in calendars and modules – Choose in menu and module settings