Edit your event items or add new ones from this screen.
Use Plugins to add additional functionality to JEM. For example, you can use the 'JEM Comments' Plugin to show user comments for your events and enhance the social part of your website.
To access this screen use: Components → JEM → Add Event or by clicking an event in the overview

Save: Saves the event and remains in the current view.
Save & Close: Saves the event and returns to the overview.
Save & New: Saves the event and opens a new empty Event edit screen.
Save as Copy: Saves the event as a new instance and returns to the overview. If you have changed the name of the event,
please keep in mind to change the name of the alias too. If you just clear the contents of the Alias field before saving,
JEM will create an alias name by itself, based on the Event title
Close: Cancels this operation and returns to the Events list.
Main publishing area
[Optional Icons]
If a an event is part of a recurring set of events, there will be an icon above the Event / Attachemts / Permissions Tabs
indicates that an event is part of a set of recurring events.
indicates that an event is the first event of a set of recurring events.
Event Tab
Title: Enter or edit (if needed) the title of the Event here.
Alias: Enter or edit (if needed) the alias of the Event here. The alias is used in the url, only use url safe characters here. Leave this field blank if you want JEM to create it automatically.
Event date: Select the Event date. (If the Date is not yet fixed, the JEM writes "open date" and set the Event at the Top. )
End date: Select the Date when the Event ends.
Time: The time when the Event starts.
End time: The time when the Event ends.
Category: Choose the category you want the item to belong to. The dropdown list will display the available Categories. Attention: It is possible to select multiple categories per event!
Venue: Choose the venue you want to associate with this event or set the value to "no venue". If you want you can also add a new venue to the venue database by clicking the "add" button.
Contact: Select a contact from the contacts database.
Status: Select Yes to publish the event or No to unpublish. Published events are displayed on the Frontend.
Featured: Select Yes to mark the selected event as a featured event. In the Frontend, the featured event will be especially marked or highlighted to distinguish it from other events.
Event Description: This is the Event description. You can use Joomla Plugins in this field.
Attachments Tab
In the Attachments Tab you can upload attachments for the event. When you upload a file in the backend (please mind the maximum upload size set by set by php) it will be visible at the event/venue-page. When the access is set to registered only registered people can see that file.
Permissions Tab
In this tab you can set permissions per event. Settings can be set to influence the event display (author, print icon etc.), to influence the venue display (full description, address and venue links) and to influence the link to a community solution.
If you want to make global settings, use the JEM settings tab, via Components → JEM → Settings
Advanced publishing area
Publishing Options
Eventdate: Select the Eventdate. (required)
Enddate: Select the Date when the Event ends.
Time: The time when the Event starts.
Endtime: The time when the Event ends.
Custom Fields
You can enter up to 10 custom fields here. Here you can enter a maximum of 10 custom fields for an event.
Empty fields are not displayed in the frontend. You can give the fields specific names using language overrides.
If you want to do that, proceed as follows:
Go to Extensions → Languages → Overrides. Choose 'Administrator' in the select-box on the right hand sode of the screen.
The key for the event custom fields are COM_JEM_EVENT_CUSTOM_FIELD1 to COM_JEM_EVENT_CUSTOM_FIELD10.
If you want to use the language string for both backend and frontend, then don't forget to click the 'for both locations' checkbox.
Event Registration
Note: Event Registration is only possible inside the Community (this means, the user must be registrated for the site!)
Event Registration: Select if users should be able to register to this Event. The options are No, Yes or Invited Users Only.
Event Registration Annulation: Select if users should be able to annulate their registration from this Event. The options are No, Yes or Until .... hours before the event starts.
Max Places: Enter the maximum capacity for the event. When there is no maximum, enter 0 for unlimited registrations.
Minimum booked per user: The minimal number of places a user can book.
Maximum booked per user: The maximal number of places a user can book. (A user can book places for his partner, his family too)
Reserved Places: Informational number of reserved places for invited by the organizer. A organizer can hold free some places.
Waiting List: Check this box to enable the waiting list.
Request answer assistence: If enabled, it shows to the user the option not to attend the event. For the planning of some events, it is important to communicate the absence.
Series event booking: If enabled, apply only for recurrence event. The registration is (un)booking all series event of recurrence from now.
Single event booking: If enabled, apply only for recurrence event. The user can (un)book single events of series.
Still Available Places (available minus booked): Informational number of still available Places (available minus booked minus reserved; 0 unlimited)
Image: Choose an image for this Event (flyer) or upload it.
Repeating Events
Choose the type of the recurrence: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or at a single weekday of the month. If you only want to create events until a certain date, set a 'By the end of' date. See the explanation in the remark below.
For all of the recurrence-options you can enter a 'By the end of' date. JEM will generate your event for the repeating interval that you have chosen, until the end date, BUT it will never create events that exceed the number of days ahead that you defined in the Settings → Global parameters → Advanced Parameters → [Generate events up to (days).
This is called the 'Anticipation Window' (the number of days that JEM looks ahead) and is always leading. Recurring events can be auto-generated by JEM for a shorter period ahead, but never for a longer period than defined there. This is to protect busy websites with many event submissions by users from heavy database load.
Daily: Choose this if you want the event to repeat every X calendar days. You can choose from 1 (every day) till 14 days. Then set until what date JEM should create your recurring event.
Weekly: Choose this if you want the event to repeat every X weeks. You can choose from 1 (every week) till 8 weeks. Then set until what date JEM should create your recurring event.
Monthly: Choose this if you want the event to repeat every X months. You can choose from 1 (every month) till 12 months. Then set until what date JEM should create your recurring event.
Yearly: Choose this if you want the event to repeat every year.
Weekday: Choose this if you want the event to repeat every 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc of the month.
You can also choose the 'last' or the 'before last'. Then set until what date JEM should create your recurring event.
Once again, please note that the anticipation window that you set in the Settings of JEM will always be leading when the end date is evaluated.
Metadata information
Metadata information: Enter or edit (if needed) the Meta Description and the Meta Keywords of the event here.
You may use the suggestions in the settings to set default values which will be automatically set to the event data.