Show Link to Event Page:
Select if you wish to link to the detail page through the title of the event. Link on title only works if the title is displayed in the layout settings.
Format Date (short):
Use the php date syntax to format the date in short form. This is the format used for event list views. For example the following code 'd.m.Y' shows '25.05.2016'. More Information php date manual. Keep in mind, that not all parameters might be available on your server.
Format Date:
Use the php date syntax to format the date. This is the format used for event detail views. For example the following code 'D, d.m.Y' shows 'Wed, 25.05.2016'. More Information php date manual. Keep in mind, that not all parameters might be available on your server.
Format Time:
Use the php time syntax to format the time. For example the following code 'H.i' shows '16.00'. More Information php time manual.
Time Suffix:
Fill in "h" or "Uhr" for example. This will be displayed behind the time on the frontend. Leave blank if you don't need it.
Format Hour:
Use the php time syntax to format the hour, used in Event Edit views. For example the following code 'H' shows '16'. More Information php time manual.
Store IP:
In some countries it isn't permitted to store the IP address of your visitors. You can disable it here.
Event Handling
Handle Old Events:
Select one of the three options. 'Delete old Events' will delete all Events after the number of days entered in in the box below. If you select 'Archive old Events' the Events will get the 'Archived' status after the number of days given in the next settings field.
Please note that JEM triggers this cleanup action once a day after midnight server time and only if a JEM view got a visitor in the Frontend. If you want to make sure that the cleanup happens, create a cronjob pointing to a JEM component view.
Number of Days:
Just to specify when an event is "old".
Image Handling:
Allowed Image Files:
File extensions which will be accepted on image uploads. By default jpg, png, and gif are accepted. Other extensions may work generally but may cause unexpected effects e.g. if using Lightbox.
Max. Image Filesize:
Enter the maximum size in kb for the image file.
Max. Height of Thumbnails:
Type in the maximum height of the image. This value is also used on the Frontend.
Max. Width of Thumbnails:
Type in the maximum width of the image. This value is also used on the Frontend.
Enable Thumbnails:
JEM can create thumbnails if the GD library version 2 is installed on your server. If it isn't available this feature will be disabled. In this case the above entered values for hight and width will be used to resize the images if they are larger than these values. Keep in mind that this method results in a much lower quality than using the GD library. Also the file size of the images aren't reduced.
Lightbox Effect:
Enable a nice lightbox effect to enlarge images from thumbnail to maximum size.
If you define an image width of more than the width of 20% of the content area, you have to modify the jem.css accordingly.
Meta Options
Edit Keywords:
Select in the box multiple keywords.
Edit Description:
In the textbox you can create your own custom meta description. Use the suggest button for a hint. The description is created in the Event edit screen and within the Event submission process from the Frontend automatically.
Don't use inverted commas or quotation marks in the description, because this will cause HTML errors