General Layout Settings:
Table Width in %:
Type in the maximum width in percent for the entire table layout on the Frontend. Please keep in mind that the columns below total up to 100% all together.
In responsive layout, it depends if this is empty or filled with something (Please study the Help for Responsive!)
Date Column Width in %:
Type in the width of teh date column.
Time in Date Column:
Show the time on the Frontend view or not.
Layout of Date Column:
Choose Single line to get: "startdate, starttime - enddate, endtime" without hard line break. Choose Two lines for "startdate - enddate" in first line and "starttime - endtime" in second line.
If "Show time in date column" is set to No/Hide the only difference is the second, empty line on Two lines layout. So you should show time values for best results.
City Column:
Choose if you want to show the City column. If yes, type in the width of the column. The column title will be displayed at the head of the column.
Attendee Column:
Choose if you want to show the Attendee column. If yes, type in the width of the column. The column title will be displayed at the head of the column.
Title Column:
Choose if you want to show the Title column. If yes, type in the width of the column. The column title will be displayed at the head of the column.
Venue Column:
Choose if you want to show the Venue column. If yes, type in the width of the column. The column title will be displayed at the head of the column.
Additionally, you can choose if the Venue name should be a link to the venue detail view.
State Column:
Choose if you want to show the State column. If yes, type in the width of the column. The column title will be displayed at the head of the column.
Category Column:
Choose if you want to show the Category column. If yes, type in the width of the column. The column title will be displayed at the head of the column.
Additionally, you can choose if the name of the Caregory should be a link to the Category view.
Event Image Column:
Choose if you want to show the Event image in the list view in the Frontend. If yes, type in the width of the column. The column title will be displayed at the head of the column.
Custom Stylesheets
Choose if you want to use custom stylesheets for various parts of JEM. You can set if you are using a custom stylesheet for:
- Backend
- Calendar
- Colorpicker
- Geostyle
- Googlemap
- Print
For each part of JEM enter the location of the css as full path without hostname.
Example: If the file is accessible as "" type in here "/media/com_jem/css/custom/mystyle.css".
Background Color
Choose a custom Background Color for various parts of JEM.
Border Color
Choose a custom Border Color for various parts of JEM.
Font Color
Choose a custom Font Color for various parts of JEM.