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[SOLVED] iCalfile can´t be imported in Googlecalendar

[SOLVED] iCalfile can´t be imported in Googlecalendar

1 year 7 months ago
(Joomla4, JEM4, PHP8.0)
When I make an iCalfile by clicking the iCalbutton in the simplelist (= a list of alle events), I get a file called 'events.ics'.
This file should can be imported in a Googlecalendar. So it worked always fine in Joomla 3 and Jem2.
But now, with Joomla4 and JEM4, the Googlecalendar doesn´t import de iCalfile anymore: "Cannot process your iCal/CSV file." is the message I get.
What can be wrong?
Thanks in advance.

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Re: [SOLVED] iCalfile can´t be imported in Googlecalendar

1 year 7 months ago - 1 year 7 months ago
Hello Harry
I tested it with JEM4 and JEM 2.3.6.
You right, Google can not handle the New ics File.
Im tested it also with MS Outlook and MS Calender, there it works.

Below the compare from 2.3.6 to 4, i see there is a Linebreack within the URL in JEM4

JEM 2.3.6 ICS:
BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/Zurich BEGIN:VEVENT UID:event265@GO DEEP DTSTAMP:20230804T121504Z CATEGORIES:Test Kategorie DESCRIPTION:Test Event\nKategorie: Test Kategorie\nIC S-Link:\n DTSTART:20230818T180000 DTEND:20230819T163000 LOCATION:GO DEEP\,Fiechtenweg 65\,4153 Reinach\,Switzerland SUMMARY:Systemisches Prozess Seminar URL END:VEVENT

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/Zurich BEGIN:VEVENT UID:event58@JEM4 Testseite DTSTAMP:20230804T120943Z CATEGORIES:Test Kategorie DESCRIPTION:Test Event\nCategory: Test Kategorie\nLink: https://jem4.j-host .ch/index.php?option=com_jem&view=event&id=58:test-event\n DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20230804T060000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20230804T120000 LOCATION:Test Venue (Ort)\,Bahnhofstrasse 1\,8000 Zürich\,Switzerland SUMMARY:Test Event URL: vent END:VEVENT

So im Editet the JEM4 ICS following:
BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/Zurich BEGIN:VEVENT UID:event58@JEM4 Testseite DTSTAMP:20230804T120943Z CATEGORIES:Test Kategorie DESCRIPTION:Test Event\nCategory: Test Kategorie\nIC S-Link:\n DTSTART:20230804T060000 DTEND:20230804T120000 LOCATION:Test Venue (Ort)\,Bahnhofstrasse 1\,8000 Zürich\,Switzerland SUMMARY:Test Event URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR

Means, i deletet the Time zone from the Start and Enddate: ;TZID=Europe/Zurich (Because it allready there in the X-WR-TIMEZONE)
also bring back the Close Element by the Description \nIC
finally delete the \nLink and put back in the S-Link Title for the Link

Now it works for Import also in Google, Outlook and MS Calendar

File Attachment:

File Name:
File Size:1 KB
Last edit: 1 year 7 months ago by pctech.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Harry

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Re: [SOLVED] iCalfile can´t be imported in Googlecalendar

1 year 7 months ago - 1 year 7 months ago
I also had a look at it.
I saw, that the first line in the exported ics files are empty and when I delete it then it works.
I checked the code, which creates the file – very long and complex … I'll ask the AI to find the empty line.
Last edit: 1 year 7 months ago by hekla.
The following user(s) said Thank You: pctech, Harry

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Re: [SOLVED] iCalfile can´t be imported in Googlecalendar

1 year 7 months ago
Thank you, pctech and hekla.
The solution from hekla works fine for me. Indeed, the first line in the .icsfile was empty. When I deleted that line, I could import the file in the Googlecalendar.
That empy line is probably a bug in JEM?

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Re: [SOLVED] iCalfile can´t be imported in Googlecalendar

8 months 3 weeks ago
I think, that the problem with the 'empty line' as first row has not been solved yet ?  I tried to subscribe the 'JEM-Calendar' Items in the Google Calender by using the URL (creating the ICS-File) and the calendar Items have not been imported/shown.  All colleagues using the same URL with Google Calender can't see the information. With Outlook, or Apple  I have no problem.

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Re: [SOLVED] iCalfile can´t be imported in Googlecalendar

8 months 3 weeks ago
As far as I can see there is still an empty first line in the exported iCal file (events.ics), so the problem has not been solved yet.

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