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JEM 4.3.1/J5.2.1 Simplelist display

JEM 4.3.1/J5.2.1 Simplelist display

3 months 2 weeks ago - 3 months 2 weeks ago

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Hi,Back after 5 years we discover the new version for J4/J5, a great hard work : in one word, first, congratulations!Programmers and support can be very proud!For our first use of this new version, we would like some help with the layout of simplelist, if it's possible (we aren't programmers and not specialists of CSS): indeed, as you can see in attached screenshots, with JEM2x/J3x, we had a layout of events that seems more elegant, not vertically centered, but with the event title at the top and time, venue, city... below with 2 (or 3?) lines.This would also be much better for mobile viewing, in our mind.Could anyone help us achieve this result?Many thanks in advance!

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PS how to help for French translate? We can do it.
PS2 : sorry, they are in "Subject", but better here also (!) : Joomla version 5.2.1 and JEM version 4.3.1
Last edit: 3 months 2 weeks ago by Leo2019.

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Re: JEM 4.3.1/J5.2.1 Simplelist display

3 months 2 weeks ago - 3 months 2 weeks ago
Thank you for the flowers.
Sorry, I am a bit confused: I don't know, which one is the old view (like you want it) and which one is the new one (you don't like). I am quite sure, this depends on the settings, which you don't study. Perhaps it has to do with the responsive possibilities. You should study on the help on this.
see in Help Responsive:
responsive style: there are 2 possibilities, you switch between a tablelike and a more modern style -->
JEM settings->Layout-> table wid th: 1) leave this empty or 2) write e.g. 100%
Last edit: 3 months 2 weeks ago by jojo12.

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Re: JEM 4.3.1/J5.2.1 Simplelist display

3 months 2 weeks ago
Hello Jojo,
It's been a long time! Faithful to the workplace, I see!
Thanks for observations!
Sorry I I was imprecise, in fact : the good views are the "CommingesDirect" ones (Jem2J3SimplelistDisplay.png and Jem2J3SimplelistDisplayMobile.png.pdf). The 3e screenshot is from de demo site of JEM for comparison.

Yes, we have studied documentation and, specially, for de modern responsive mode, but without success. We have tried also the table mode, but it's worse particularly for mobiles.

With JEM2x/Joomla3x the good display came by default, we had not modify anything, but with JEM4x/J5x the layouts are different it seems...

That's why we ask for help.



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Re: JEM 4.3.1/J5.2.1 Simplelist display

3 months 1 week ago
Hi Jojo,

Thanks for response!
Yes, you're right, I've been a mistake with the screenshots, sorry, both of the precedent (same) screenshots were twice with JEM2/J3 (the good ones)...

Here is the screenshot of the actual (JEM4/J5) JEM demo site where appears the problem for the mobile display : the event informations (location, city...) are displayed on one line then with several newlines for long terms, which is not very elegant (you can see on screenshot attached "Jem4J5SimplelistDisplayMobileDemoSite.pdf").

That was not the case with JEM2/J3 as we can see in the precedent screenshot "Jem2J3SimplelistDisplayMobile.png.pdf" (attached again).

We have tried numerous settings but without results (include after reading the manual for the responsive mode) : Is it possible to set the informations as in JEM2/J3, with new line for each information if necessary, to avoid to display a word under 2, 3 or four lines (as Cali-for-nia for sample)?

Many thanks in advance!


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Re: JEM 4.3.1/J5.2.1 Simplelist display

3 months 1 week ago
Hi Henri,
my proposal to resolve this is:
you create an override or change the JEM core of
you insert a new line after 258 with a <div>
and a new line with </div>  about line 330 (between the  two endif),
then each additional info is a new line.

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Re: JEM 4.3.1/J5.2.1 Simplelist display

3 months 1 week ago
Hello Jojo,

Thanks very much! How simple everything is for experts!
Two clarifications if you like, for the new beginners that we are  :
1- We are unable to create the substitution which seems possible only via template files, modules, plugins or languages : how should we proceed?
2- How to restrict the change to mobile only (this is not necessary for tablets and computers) ? If it's possible of course!

Thanks again!

PS : the module at right is it the only one to give donation or ils there another way?


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