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Change background color comment field

Change background color comment field

3 years 9 months ago
Hello everyone,

I have maybe a simple question for you but I can not find the answer.
How can I change the color of the 'comment' field on the registration form for the event.

Years ago I had the same issue but someone external solved this issue but with the new update to 2.3. the issue came back !

The problem is that the color of the text and the background have almost the same color (see attachment)


In the past Jojo 12 send me an answer :

media/com_jem/jem.css line 61
background-color of inputbox

But by changing this, no difference is visible in the front-end :

div#jem .inputbox:hover {
border:1px solid #808080;
/* background-color:#DDE084; old color yelow inbox */

div#jem .inputbox {
border:1px solid #808080;
/* background-color:#C6CCBE; old color input box */

Changing the font color to black is also an option, as long as there's a clear color difference between background en font.

I hope someone can help me ?




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Re: Change background color comment field

3 years 9 months ago
Hi, me again :-)
which template style do you use: "default responsive" or "legacy table view"?
there are different css.
It may depend on your joomla template too.
Best is you use e.g. firefox developer and look with a "developer tool" where in the css the backgroundcolor is defined.

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Re: Change background color comment field

3 years 9 months ago
Hi Jojo12,

I use. legacy (Table Style)

It is just the comment box when you want to registrate your event that gives a problem.
I have searched the whole website for the #DDE084 yellow color code but this code is only visible in the jem.css file.
All 3 color codes in this file are changed to a darker color but without any result.

If I use the firefox development tool, the color of the box in not changing.
If I use Firefox it is changing from Gray background & light gray font
to yellow background and almost white font when you click it to write something down.



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Re: Change background color comment field

3 years 9 months ago
Jojo 12,

Problem solved, clearing the cache memory of firefox solved the issue !

Thanks for the fast feedback !



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