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Content - JEM List Events

Content - JEM List Events

5 years 2 months ago
Hallo, ich habe das Plugin "Content - JEM List Events" aktiviert und auch entsprechend im Content eingebunden.
Das funktioniert soweit :)

Ich würde jedoch gerne in jeder Zeile, bei den einzelnen Terminen, einen Button oder Text "jetzt buchen" einbinden und beim Klick auf den Button oder Text zu einem Anmeldeformular abspringen.

Die Anmeldung aus dem Termin heraus soll nicht erfolgen, da sich der Anmeldende immer erst registrieren müsste.

In den Parametern innerhalb des Modules finde ich jedoch keine Möglichkeit diese entsprechend mit diesem Button oder Text als Link zu ergänzen.

Hier die Parameter aus dem Plugin:
{jemlistevents [type=today|unfinished|upcoming|archived|newest];[featured=on|off];[title=on|link|off];[date=on|link|off];[time=on|off];[enddatetime=on|off];[catids=n];[category=on|link|off];[venueids=n];[venue=on|link|off];[max=n];[cuttitle=n];[noeventsmsg=msg]}

Im beigefügten Bild habe ich die Position für den Button oder Text gelb markiert.

Hat jemand hierfür ein Lösung ? :sick:



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Re: Content - JEM List Events

5 years 2 months ago
Hello, now in english :)

I activated the plugin "Content - JEM List Events" and integrated it into the content.
That works so far :)

However, I would like to include in each line, in the individual appointments, a button or text "book now" and jump on clicking the button or text to a registration form.

The registration from the appointment should not be made, as the applicant always has to register first.

In the parameters within the module, however, I find no way to supplement this accordingly with this button or text as a link.

Here are the parameters from the plugin:
{jemlistevents [type = today | unfinished | upcoming | archived | newest]; [featured = on | off]; [title = on | link | off]; [date = on | link | off]; [time = on | off link | | [category = on off];; off] | [endDateTime = on;; [CATIDs = n]] [venueids = n]; [venue = on | link | off]; [max = n]; [cuttitle = n]; [noeventsmsg = msg]}

In the attached picture I marked the position for the button or text in yellow.

The following versions are in use:
Joomla! 3.9.13 Stable
JEM 2.2.3

Does anyone have a solution for this? :sick:


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Re: Content - JEM List Events

5 years 2 months ago
The possibilities for event registration are in event details. Normally you should link to this page. For me it doesn't make sense to add an additional button.

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Re: Content - JEM List Events

5 years 2 months ago
Hi Jojo,

that is correct, that customers can register via the event detail page. However, for this it is necessary that the customers first have to register. That's too expensive and not desired. Is there a possibility of event registration without the prior registration?


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Re: Content - JEM List Events

5 years 2 months ago
why is this too expensive? I don't understand.
there is the possibility to create with the contact link and a contactformular (perhaps with addiotional fields)
there is an other possibility to integrate in the regform a link to breezingforms.
You can search here in the forum.

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