I finally find that the map height in Venue View can be set in this css file: JoomlaFolder/media/com_jem/css/googlemap.css
so to avoid being overwritten when upgrading JEM, make a copy of googlemap.css and rename it to googlemap_custom.css
-> change the map height to 350px and upload it back to the folder: JoomlaFolder/media/com_jem/css/
-> i.e.: JoomlaFolder/media/com_jem/css/googlemap_custom.css
Then goto JEM backend -> settings -> layout
-> look for "Custome Sheets" on the right hand side -> "googlemap.css" -> click on "Yes" button
-> then in the empty box below, put the custome css file path: media/com_jem/css/googlemap_custom.css
-> save the settings
-> That's it!
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