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JEM2.2.3: Google map not displaying after upgrade....

JEM2.2.3: Google map not displaying after upgrade....

7 years 2 weeks ago
Dear all,

After I have upgraded JEM from 2.2.0 to 2.2.3, I find that Google map is NOT displaying in the standalone Venue View, what will be most possible reason for this?
-> see attached screen capture
-> Pls. note that the Google map in the Event-Venue View is displayed properly!

Thanks for any kinds of help!
JMY(晉明夷) -- Mindfulness Yoga Association 靜觀瑜伽協會 -- YogaJM 晉明瑜伽 -- JMY 晉明日誌 -- JinMing 3-Key Chinese Input Method 晉明三鍵輸入法


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Re: JEM2.2.3: Google map not displaying after upgrade....

7 years 1 week ago
It's weird that the google comes out again today, not sure why?
JMY(晉明夷) -- Mindfulness Yoga Association 靜觀瑜伽協會 -- YogaJM 晉明瑜伽 -- JMY 晉明日誌 -- JinMing 3-Key Chinese Input Method 晉明三鍵輸入法

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Re: JEM2.2.3: Google map not displaying after upgrade....

7 years 1 week ago
The problems happened again today, see screen capture below:

But...the map appeared after I refresh the webpage by pressing F5, see screen capture below:

Are there something wrong in JEM2.2.3?
JMY(晉明夷) -- Mindfulness Yoga Association 靜觀瑜伽協會 -- YogaJM 晉明瑜伽 -- JMY 晉明日誌 -- JinMing 3-Key Chinese Input Method 晉明三鍵輸入法


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Re: JEM2.2.3: Google map not displaying after upgrade....

7 years 1 week ago
I think you have changed so much, that I don't like to answer such questions anymore. I I can reproduce your problems ( and not only your questions), then I may help. if ylu want to change so much, then try to understand the program yourself! Thanks

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Re: JEM2.2.3: Google map not displaying after upgrade....

7 years 1 week ago
In general, if you update an extension (or even modify an article or something in the menus or something in the structure of your website or a template or a template style or ...) and you want have a consistent look of the changes of your website:
1) Clear the Joomla! caches of your website.
2) Clear the caches of your browser.

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