[strike]it's at Github as a branche but can't copy/paste the link easily at the moment (phone). maybe someone else can help with that.
you say that you want to use it with Joomla 3.3.6 but are you planning to do an internal joomla upgrade (joomla 2.5 -> joomla 3) or a clean install?
if clean install then you'd better start with JEM 3
if you are planning to do the internal joomla upgrade method then be warned.
you should definately make a backup of your whole site/important data.
the thing is that I did try out the internal Joomla upgrade method (joomla 2.5.x to joomla 3.x) and can say that I'm no fan off it. Joomla did break several times during upgrade around 80% leaving the site crippled and in some other cases it wouldn't.even start. message about archive corrupt or something like that. ah well, it's just a personal opinion.[/strike]
the file has been updated and is now downloadable at: