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Set custom alarm for event iCal export process?

Set custom alarm for event iCal export process?

6 years 5 months ago

in event page there's the iCal option:
when In clic on the iCal icon, I get the event added in my Apple iCal calendar.
(I suppose that is the same on Windows with Google calendar)

That's a great option.
But I'd need to customize the parameters as we ask me to add an alarm 24 hours before the event. To create an iCal automatic reminder a day before the event.
Do you know how I could manage that?

• I didn't see this option in JEM adminintrator pannels
• I saw 2 php files that produce the link :
- components/com_jem/classes/output.class.php
with the url:
$url = 'index.php?option=com_jem&view='.$view.'&id='.$slug.'&format=raw&layout=ics';$url = 'index.php?option=com_jem&view='.$view.'&id='.$slug.'&format=raw&layout=ics';
- components/com_jem/classes/iCalcreator.class.php
But I can't find where I could intervene...

Could you help me?


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Re: Set custom alarm for event iCal export process?

6 years 5 months ago
I think you should go deeper.
The first step is to find the link, but then you should look for the creation of the files.
Those URLs you found just return a .ics file. And now you should find the place where this file is created.

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Re: Set custom alarm for event iCal export process?

6 years 5 months ago
Thanks Egnarts.
I’m quite sure that the .ics file is created from the second file:
with the function createCalendar()

I have added ± line 1767
$calendar .= 'BEGIN:VALARM'.$this->nl; $calendar .= 'TRIGGER:-P1D'.$this->nl; $calendar .= 'ACTION:DISPLAY'.$this->nl; $calendar .= 'END:VALARM'.$this->nl;
but the code is inserted outside of the folowing tags
that’s why it doesn’t work: it should be inserted inside.

so I looked at the function createCalendar() but can’t get through because of my poor PHP knowledge…
Some more help?

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